2024 Goat Yoga Schedule is live!

Goat with the Flow

Today we find ourselves back in a chaotic flow. Doing final preps for winter, between animals and humans. Cleaning sheds, making products for winter, stepping into the world of herbalism, purging house and hunkering down animal shelters for the cold.

Due to a couple cancellations, thanks to weather, we have come up short to purchase the hay needed for winter storage. Also understanding I am late to the punch to have it stored. Most have it stored by September. However we don't have the storage space to accommodate that much hay to last all winter. On days like today when the temps are becoming cooler, I find myself worried of what we will do with constant increase in pricing of things and if the new hay guy will hold the hay he promised.

Then I think wait, we can't stress. We have to goat with the flow. Understand that everything comes to us when we need it and at the right time. Focusing on the negative only brings negative. So instead we are picturing today a full storage shed of hay waiting to be fed to our babes through what could possibly be a rough winter. 

Goat with the flow came about one day while we were practicing in class. It has become my mantra for life seems to put a large obstacle in my way. Goats don't swim so we can't use the phrase " Just keep swimming". Although catchy, not sure how the goats would feel about being in the water.

Sending light and love to you my friends on this November day!

We are grateful for you and all of your support over the last couple of years!


Amanda B